Sobre nós

Somos a Tec in Web

A Tec in web foi fundada em 2014 com a missão de promover segurança e conforto aos nossos clientes, no início atuando na área de informática e redes de computadores e com o passar dos anos fomos adequando nosso perfil às necessidades de nossos clientes. Hoje temos um leque de soluções com o objetivo de entregar projetos completos, garantindo assim a plena satisfação e comodidade aos nossos clientes.

Clients Testimonials

Enterprises seeking a digital edge transform processes, business models and the customer experience by exploiting digital connection models.

Peter Jones

Amazing teamwork and professional approach make you guys a number one choice for fresh business projects like myself! I would definitely recommend your services to all of my friends and associates!

Peter Jones

BakingPro Group
Melissa Hunter

Working with you guys have been a real pleasure! The professional, caring technical support team is always there to assist! Thank you so much for helping us out with tons of ideas and projects so fast!

Melissa Hunter

Hunters Group
Liam Smith

I am grateful for your hard and devoted work on my business project! I never expected it to be a bomb, however, in the end, it turned out to be a great success. I love the individual approach and creativity!

Liam Smith

LSmith Company